12 November 2010

Interview with friends

I interviewed my friend, Yoshiaki.
His opinion is “I think the word‘ Should human be erased like a fog the same as my father and mother ?’of the first part in this film is so sad and meaningful. I think that this word suggests that the fear of atomic bomb and try to connect with the last sad scene. I reconfirmed the fear of atomic bomb to see this film.
This film has no dreadful scenes, for example people were slaughtered by the bomb and bleeding. This firm basically describes the daily life of the people in Nagasaki. And try to tell the fear of atomic bomb indirectly. The last scene was flashed of the atomic bomb only, and sound. It emphasizes the fear of atomic bomb, suggests that the atomic bomb has the power to erase the daily life in a spirit second. To see the last scene, we will understand the title‘Ashita’. This film tells us indirectly but the message is very strong. Describing the people try to live with hopes in spite of they are poor, the last scene emphasizes the sadness. ”

And this is my opinion after seeing this movie.
I think this story is unique.
There are many kinds of people in this movie, a couple of man and woman who held the wedding, and parturient pregnant woman, and the lovers who must say good-bye because of the invitation from an army. But each of them has no relations. To describe the many kind of people’s life, this film try to suggest that the atomic bomb can erase many people’s life easily, I think. I was absorbed in this story, I could hardly expect the last scene. I thought this movie is merely the human drama which has laughing and sometimes sad. But I saw the last scene, I felt unbelievable feeling suddenly. I was born in Japan, a country which has been atom-bombed, so I have learned the atomic bomb before. But I reconfirmed the fear of atomic bomb to see this film.

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